If you are going to have a root canal this summer, the last thing you want is to be in pain for multiple days when it is so nice outside. Here are four key tips that will help ensure that you recover successfully and quickly from your root canal procedure this summer.
#1 Take All Of Your Antibiotics
After your root canal procedure, your doctor is most likely going to prescribe a round of antibiotics for you. You will be prescribed antibiotics because the tooth that the root canal was performed on was infected. The antibiotics will help ensure that the infection is killed off.
It takes a while for the antibiotics to kick in and work, which is why it is essential to take the entire course of antibiotics. Failing to take the entire course of antibiotics will compromise their effectiveness. Taking the full course of antibiotics will help ensure that your tooth heals correctly from your procedure and helps prevent the need for further intervention on your tooth.
#2 Take Prescribed Anti-Inflammatory Medication
Your doctor is also likely going to prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication for you to take. Although it can be tempting to try and deal with the pain from your root canal on your own and take as little anti-inflammatory medication as possible, it will help the healing process progress.
The fibers and ligaments that anchor your tooth into your bone becomes stretched out and irritated when you have an infection that requires a root canal. These fibers and ligaments need time to heal; taking an anti-inflammatory can help with that healing process and ensure that your tooth heals properly.
#3 Wear A Night Guard When You Sleep
When you have a root canal, major surgery is performed on your tooth. Oftentimes, your tooth has been pushed out of its socket by the infection inside of it and needs time to settle properly. Any unnecessary pressure from unconsciously grinding your teeth or even clenching your jaw together as you sleep can put a lot of pressure on your treated tooth, which can lead to additional pain.
You can sidestep this self-inflected pain by wearing a night guard or mouthpiece when you sleep after you have a root canal. This will help keep the healing process on track.
#4 Stick To Soft Foods
Finally, avoid the temptation to snack on hard, tough and crunchy foods while your tooth is healing. Stick to soft foods that do not require you to chew that much. Additionally, try to chew on the other side of your mouth while your tooth heals.
Your tooth is going to be sensitive to pressure, so being careful about what you eat will help relieve the pressure and aid the healing process. Your tooth is also going to be more brittle until you have a crown made for your tooth, so being careful about what you eat during the healing process and while your permanent crown is being made will help ensure that your tooth doesn't sustain any additional damage. Contact a dentist like Rick Chavez DDS for more information.