Studies show that tooth loss is a rampant dental problem among adults. However, having a missing tooth is not the end of everything. Missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants and dental bridges. The biggest challenge then becomes selecting the best option between the two. In case these terms are unfamiliar, here's a breakdown of the meaning, pros, and cons.

Dental implants

Dental implants are made from titanium and are used to replace natural tooth roots. During a dental implant procedure, the metal post is placed into the jaw, and a dental crown is fixed on top.


Durable & Less Maintenance

Dental implants are well built to offer excellent longevity. They are incredibly strong and stable, which makes them easy to maintain. Additionally, no special care is required while cleaning — all you have to do is brush and floss. Since they are highly durable, you won't require periodic treatment.

Natural look

A dental implant is placed into your jaw, which makes it look like your natural tooth. They can replace your incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

Protect Your Jawbone

By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you can protect your jawbone from deterioration. A dental implant will perfectly cover your jawbone and keep it healthy throughout.

Does Not Strain Surrounding Teeth

Dental implants support good bone structures and facilitate quicker healing of gums. This causes less strain on the surrounding teeth.



The main disadvantage of getting dental implants is that they are expensive. You can expect them to cost a few thousand dollars, especially if you are having dental implants of several teeth.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are placed in between teeth to cover the gap left by missing teeth. Dental bridges rely on natural teeth or implants for support. Pontics are used to cover the gap.


Less expensive

Dental bridges are less costly compared to dental implants. You can have them installed temporarily as you look for sufficient capital to get dental implants.

Simple Procedure

Dental bridges are less complicated compared to dental implants. They don't require invasive surgery, and you can have them installed in less than two appointments.

Ideal for People with Underlying Medical Conditions

For people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, dental bridges are recommended since they heal quickly, unlike dental implants, which can take a while to heal.


Strain Surrounding Teeth

Since the surrounding structure supports dental bridges, they may strain the teeth, causing them to deteriorate.


Dental bridges are less durable and cannot act as a permanent solution for missing teeth.


Reach out to a dentist for information about if you should get dental implants or a dental bridge. 
