If you have an appointment for a professional whitening treatment, then you have a few different options in regard to the actual treatment. Many people will choose to have laser whitening completed, but you can also go through a much more traditional process where trays or gels are utilized. And, once the treatment is over, there are a few things that you probably do not want to do if you want to experience the best results. Keep reading to learn what they are.

Eat Acidic Foods

When a professional dental whitening is completed, debris is removed from the small cracks in your teeth. These enamel cracks are usually congested with foreign particles, and when the food bits are removed, the underlying dentin becomes exposed. This dentin is far more sensitive than the tooth enamel and it may react strongly at first. Simply put, the dentin is not usually exposed and you are going to feel some sensitivity after your treatment. 

Foods that contain acids will cause discomfort. Also, the acids may cause more damage to your enamel and this can lead to thinning issues and more extensive sensitivities down the line. 

Acidic foods that you should avoid include citric juices, tomatoes, beer, soda, coffee, and tea. Sugars should also be avoided as they feed the oral bacteria and these bacteria release acids after they consume foods. In fact, the bacterial acids are usually responsible for dental decay, so you want to keep them at bay well after your whitening if you want to maintain a healthy smile.

Brush Aggressively

Dental enamel becomes soft after whitening due to the hydrogen peroxide solutions that are placed on the teeth. The enamel can remain soft for a few days to a week or more, and this means it is more likely to wear away. So, you want to avoid anything that will place pressure on the enamel to the extent that it wears down or scrapes away from the teeth. 

Your toothbrush alone can scrape the softened enamel, so use a gentle approach when brushing. Use a toothpaste product with baking soda and use light pressure when moving the toothbrush around the teeth in slow circles. 

You should floss and brush the gums, but keep in mind that you may see some bleeding along the gumline. Protective coatings are often placed over the soft tissues of the mouth to prevent the whitening solution from coming into contact with the tissues. However, small bits of whitening gel can burn the gums and cause some damage. So, if you see bleeding, make sure to use an antiseptic mouthwash to keep bacteria from infecting the gums. 

Reach out to a company like Cherry Hill Dentistry LLC for more information.
